

The cream of the crop!

Lilja Katrín Gunnarsdóttir

Copy writer

Instagram: @liljakatrin
Netfang: lilja@vefgerdin.is
Sími: +354 6967098

Guðmundur R Einarsson

Digital transformation leader

Instagram: @greeinarsson
Netfang: gre@pipp.is
Sími: +354 7700250

Trophy shelf

We Want It All

Must See in Iceland

  • Design Nominees’ Site of the Day
  • Special Kudos from CSS Design Awards
  • Awwwards’ Merit for Commendable Sites

Secret Solstice

  • Design Nominees’ Site of the Day
  • Special Kudos from CSS Design Awards
  • Awwwards’ Merit for Commendable Sites

Mekong Tourism

  • ITB Awards in the Responsible Tourism Website category
  • HSMAI Adrian Award for innovative website design
  • PATA Gold Award for best website

Telenor Sat

  • Two Transform Awards, gold and bronze

Daily Mail

  • 2012 Press Awards for Best website
  • Consumer Website 2011 – AOP Digital Publishing Awards

Over 20 awards and nominations for other awards, including the Icelandic Web Awards.

© 2024, Nían framkvæmdahús ehf.
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